Science Test Reflection (Term 3)

In this test, we are tested on Ecology, part of biology and Optics, part of Physics. That's all simple. It was quite simple for me, however Optics really worry me as I am not very good in physics, which can be seen in how I fared in Term 2.

I decided to focus more on optics as I understand my Ecology well. I tried to memorize the numerous properties of different optic lenses. Then, the difficult part was the application of it on real life objects. Also, I used those old worksheet to practice on how to draw the lens as I did not want to take too much time drawing the light rays, which had caused my downfall in the Term 2 test.

For ecology, I forced myself to read the numerous notes. I also did some practice paper to test myself. It was quite easy, however I knew that I cannot underestimate what will pop out in the test. Even after finishing the paper, I forced myself to memorize all the definitions as we are not allowed to refer to notes in a test.

During the test, I headed into the paper without much difficulty, maybe due to my rigorous attempt to study. After 25 minutes, I finished the paper. I used the remaining time to check my paper so as to prevent me from making careless mistakes like what had happened during the last 2 terms.

After the paper, after much discussions with my friends, I realized that I did not make any mistakes in the questions being discussed. However, I was still afraid as my optic is not strong. I prayed for the best, hoping that I would score an A1.

After 2 weeks of nervous waiting, the papers are being given out one by one. I was surprised when I received my papers, I had scored 36/50. What a surprised! I had never scored this well since Primary 6. My efforts paid off. However, after going through the paper, I realized I had made some careless mistakes but not as much as the last term. I could have gotten 39/40--- higher than the highest in class. Although I was not the highest, I was still please with myself for obtaining such a mark. However, I will NOT be complacent and will work my very best for the EOYs.

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