Science Test Reflection (Term 2 + Retest)

For the actual test... I do not really want to talk about it as I did very badly. However as it is a requirement in this Science E portfolio, I have not choice but to talk about it. In this test I scored 20.5/40. Very Very bad for my standard I would say. In this test I was tested on Light Physics(my worst of the 3 sciences). Honestly, I do not have any interest in Physics as I thought that it is really boring. When I have doubt I would not ask the teacher as I was too lazy to ask. In this test, I took too much time drawing the ray diagrams and doing the MCQs that I did not complete the paper, resulting in the lost of marks. In this test, many of my classmates had gotten A1, thus I was the bottom of the bottom in my class.

Luckily, Miss Lim was kind enough to give us a retest for those who did not receive a B3. In the retest, I did quite well for someone who did not like physic. I had gotten an A1. All that I had studied paid off, but the test is capped at B3. I should really have study for the first test and gotten a A1. Oh and in this test I had gotten 32/40, an A1.

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