Issues in teaching and Learning Science (Term 3)

In Term 3, we learned about Optics(Lens and Colors), Physics as we are unable to finish it in term 2 and also Biology(Ecology and Sexual Reproduction System). We managed to complete Ecology but we are unable to complete Sexual Reproduction System.


- There are 2 types and lens, concave and convex lens
- We learned how to draw the light rays entering from different angles and distance.


- There are a total seven bands of colours in a ray of white light
- The seven bands of colours are known as the visible spectrum
- Each color in the spectrum has a different wavelength
-The process of the seperation of white light to the seven bands of light is known as dispersion


- Habitat is a place where organism live in
- Population is a group of organism of the same species living in a particular habitat
- Community is a place where all populations of organisms living and interacting with one another in a particular habitat
- Ecosystem is a community and its abiotic factors

Abiotic Factors

- Tempertaure
- Ph
- Oxygen Content
- Humidity
- Amount of water
- Wave Action
- Wind Speed
- Light Intensity
- Salinity
- Type of substratum

Biotic Factors

- Mutualism
- Commensalism
- Exploitative Relationship (Predation, Paratism, Herbivory)
- Competition
- Ammensalism

We also learned about:

- Feeding relationship
- Conservation
- Effects of selective addition/removal of species
- Carbon Cycle (refer to earlier blog post)

Sexual Reproduction
- is the biological process of forming a new individual through the fusion of two cells known a gametes

- a process which every human beings go through at a certain age
- after this process, one will be able to reproduce
- one will mature

Puberty of Boys
- males might experience growth of hair on the face, underarm, chest, abdominal and pubic area, broadening of chest and shoulders, enlargement of penis, depening of voice, increase in height and muscle and getting pimples or acne

Puberty of Girls
- females might experience growth of underarn and pubic hair, broadening of hips, enlargement of breast and getting pimples

We also learn about:
- Menstrual Cycle
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases


In this term, the topic being taught was fairly easy, especially for Ecology as I had gone to sabbatical for it. For lens, we just have to memorize the formulas and for Sexual Reproduction we just have to memorize. It seem that this term is a term for memorizing. The topics this term do not have much to think about as it was all formulas and definition or facts. I was not required to learn Sexual Reproduction System for the test as there was not enough time to teach before the test. I feel that Ecology is very educational as students learn to conserve their environment.

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