My Aims For End Of Year Examination

Before The Test

In the last examination of the year, I planned to score a high A1, maybe 90 or high, just like what I did in term 3. To do that, I planned to revise all the chapters being taught, if I faced difficulties in a certain topic, I will ask my teacher and peers. I will also practice more so as to prepare for the questions being set in the test. I will revise more on Optics and Chemistry as I am weak at them and I may have forgot some important stuffs. For Ecology, I am quite confident but I was NOT be complacent and not revise for it. I will still revise for it, but not as much as the other topics.

During The Test

During the test, I will be much more careful than before but not spend so much time that will have no time to complete the paper. I will try my best to complete the MCQ in the shortest time possible, fast but careful. For the open ended question, I will underline and circle key phrases to help me understand the question better. For drawing, which is my weakest, will take a longer time. However, I will draw the diagrams much faster after I practice before the tests. I will be more careful and make my drawings look neat and accurate so as to not lose marks. After the paper, I will do and check the paper over and over again to minimize careless mistakes.

All I can do now is to study hard to ensure that I will get good results in my Science EOY paper. I hope that I will do well in both Math and Science and even all my other subjects so as to get into Science and Math Talent Program(SMTP), the course that I want to go. To do that I MUST get 2.0 and below and get a A1 in both Science and Math. Both Math and Science are my favorite subject and I am confident that as long as I study hard, I have no trouble in getting into SMTP and getting A1s in Math and Science. It is useless to count the chicken before it hatch so all I can do now is to study hard and use my own efforts to get into SMTP before it is too late as it is useless to cry over spilled milk after the results comes out.

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