Introduction to Sharks

Sharks are a type of fish with a full cartilaginous skeleton and a highly skeleton and streamlined body. Did you know the earliest known sharks date from more than 420 million years ago, before the time of the dinosaurs. Scientist has only found 440 species of sharks. Ranging from small-sized dwarf shark to the enormous whale shark, which can grow up to approximately 12 metres (39 ft 4 in) and which feeds only on plankton, squid and small fishes by filter feeding. Sharks are found in all seas and are common down to depths of 2,000 metres (6,562 ft). Most sharks lived in the ocean but some sharks like the bull shark can live in fresh water too. All sharks breathe through 5 to 7 gill slits and they do not have scales but a toothed-like skin which enable them to shark faster.

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